dijous, 22 de desembre del 2011


How can I improve my listening skills? Just like improving any skill,you need to do that action to improve it. Listening is an active process. Not only you have to hear what a speaker says, you must understand it and then judge whether the information make sense or not.
Another skill that has similar strategies to listening is reading. The basic listening strategies are anticipating and predicting all the answers are correct. Getting all the words are not the most important thing when you start to learn a language, if you don't get a word just don't get stuck and keep listening to the rest.
Basic things you should do when you are doing a listening:
-Listentening for the main idea
-Drawing inferences
Listening  is probably the most difficult task for almost all learners of English. The most important thing is to listen as often as possible. The next step is to find listening resources.
Accept the fact that you are not going to understand everything.
Even if you don't understand a word keep listening to the rest of the listening.
Do not translate into your native language.
Try to get the general idea of the conversation. Don't concentrate on detail until you have understood the main ideas.
While you are listening to another person speaking another language our natural temptation is to translate into our native language. This temptation becomes stronger when you hear a word you don't understand. When you concentrate into translating a word you don't understand, your attention is focusing on that and you are missing the the rest of the listening. The translation doesn't allow you to understand anything at all.
One of the best ways to improve your listening finding a TV show you like and download some episodes. By listening to it many times you get used to how each actor talks and it improves your listening skills a lot and it's very fun too.
If you're having an informal conversation you can ask questions if you are not sure you heard something correcting or you didn’t understand. Provide your full attention on the person speaking
Just be confident and give your best at listening, and you'll become a good learner.

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